Archive | October 2013

Light Shoes

Light Shoes

This really awesome shoe has got me wondering how it was done.. I saw it and thought it looked really really cool, but honestly I don’t really have much of a clue as to how it was done. I know it was photoshop though.

Cool Logo thing

 Cool Logo thing

I saw this and just thought it looked like a really cool logo of some sort (I’m not sure what it is a logo for). This cool little triangular symbol was most likely made on illustrator by probably just distorting triangles to fit together like that and different shades of a color were added to each side to give it a three dimensional look to it.

Scared Lady Bug

Scared Lady Bug

I think this cute little fella was made completely on illustrator using the pen tool for the most part with a couple circles thrown in there for the eyes and the shadow beneath the lady bug. It looks like they added gradients to a lot of the lady bug’s parts, including it’s head, legs, antennae, and belly as well as the background. Some other shapes were thrown in some places and have lowered opacity to give the lady bug a shinier look to it.

Mind Fox

Mind Fox

This fox is one of the coolest illustrations I’ve seen made from illustrator and I think it’s just really neat to look at. I think that whoever made this had A LOT of time on their hands because I can’t figure out another way to do this than by just drawing everything out with either the pen or line tool then just going back through and meticulously adding in the lines all over the illustration to add some texture to it. I don’t really see any gradients. It looks more like each piece of the fox it it’s own shape and has it’s own color.



I think this robot looks really cool and it kind of reminds me of The Jetsons. This guy was made in illustrator with some pretty simple tools. He’s made mostly out of rectangles and circles with a couple other shapes thrown in. Obviously the line tool was used for the lower front of him to make that little grill. There are also some overlapping shapes that appear to be the same color with a lower opacity which kind of gives him a shiny look.

Angry Cigar Smoking Cat

Angry Cigar Smoking Cat

For some reason I think this image is really funny because I cracked up when I first saw it. I believe this angry fella was made in illustrator and the basic pen, line, arc, and shape tools were used to create him as well as a slight glow effect for the eyes and a drop shadow for the cigar and collar. Other than that, everything looks like pretty simple lines and shapes

Mozilla FireFox Logo

Mozilla FireFox Logo

I never really looked up close at the Mozilla Firefox logo before and I’ve gotta say, it’s pretty cool. It looks like they just made it in illustrator using the line and pen tools to make all the shapes that make up the fire fox and the planet and also using some gradients to really give the fox a “fire fox” look.

Watermelon Monkey

I saw this and just thought it was really funny and cool so I had to add it. Whoever made this used photoshop for sure. I’m guessing that they lassoed the the monkeys mouth and just deleted the rest of the body. They could have placed the monkey on top of the watermelon before actually lassoing the watermelon to try and get the right measurements, or at least that’s what i would do, then lassoed a chunk out of the watermelon to make room for the monkey mouth. It looks like they used the burn tool around the edges of the watermelon, I would guess to make it look like the watermelon is stressing and straining because of the huge wide open mouth.


Does Anyone Here Speak Art & Tech?

Does Anyone Here Speak Art & Tech?

To create this image I first found a picture of The Thinker statue, a picture of an iphone, and a picture of a road in California. I then lassoed the the the thinker’s thumb and part of his hand so that the iphone could rest between his thumb and other fingers. I lassoed the Iphone and placed it in his hand then I lassoed the entire thinker and moved him into the middle of the street in California. Selected the entire thinker once more to create a drop shadow and I distorted it and transformed it using the free distort tool and fit it to the Thinker.

Mafia Russ

Mafia Russ

This is one of my best friends, Russ, that I found a picture of on Facebook and decided to make this for him. To make this all I did was place his photo into Illustrator then I selected the picture and went up to where it says image tracing on the tool bar and clicked “black and white logo,” and vuala, it is complete.