Archive | February 2013



With this i started off by shrinking the original elephant and making 4 copies of it in each corner. For the top right one all I did was create a drop shadow. For the bottom left one I created a drop shadow and then flipped it over to look as if it was on the ground.

Warp Tools

Warp Tools

I started by making 2 octagons and using the polygon shape tool. Then I filled them both with red and used 2 different types of warp tools. For the top one I used the width tool and stretched each side to little bubbles then used the direct select tool to select each bubble and fill it with black. For the bottom shape I used the twirl tool on each side.

Circle/Star Blend

Circle/Star Blend

For this I started by creating a circle and a star, filling them with a red fill and a yellow fill,and then using the blend tool from the circle to the star and setting the specified number of steps to 30. Next I made a Swirl using the spiral tool and selected both the objects and the spiral then went to Object, blend, replace spine.

Salad Man

Salad Man

For this I did a number of things with the beginner photoshop tools. For the blueberries and the carrots I used the circle trace tool. For the squash and Pasta I used the polygon lasso. For the Kiwi and Mushroom I used the Magnetic Lasso. And last but not least I used the magic wand for the ears, the eyebrows, and the head itself. I then Placed ll of the pieces in the appropriate places and put the layers in the order that I wanted them to.


For this I used the perspective grid tool and then used the shape tools to create each little shape in this . For one side of the grid I made the colors darker than on the other side in order to create the 3D illusion. I added all sorts of different fills to each building and also created a background by putting a rectangle with a gradient in the background and arranging it to be last.


For this I first traced the key using the pen tool the used the rectangle tool to outline each little section of the key. Next I traced the hole in the key using the pen tool and selected the key outline and the hole outline then used the pathfinder option “exclude.” I then used the pathfinder option “intersect” on the key outline and rectangle to get the same exact shape that fit to the key’s outline. I did this for each little piece of the top of the key and used the eyedropper tool along with the gradient tool to add the different colors. Next I traced each little individual part of the key on the bottom half using the pen tool and used the eye dropper tool to add colors and gradients accordingly. I then selected the entire key and added a drop shadow to it. To finish it off I used the type tool to create the numbers on the key.


I created this using multiple tools inside of illustrator. For the flower and Vase I started off by making one side of the vase then using the reflect tool to make both sides exactly the same. Next I added the blue fill to the vase and added a gradient mesh with the color being white to add the little effect on the top left of the vase. I then used the pen tool to create the stem, the leaf, and the flower. I created an organic “petal-like” shape then copied and pasted it and moved it around a circle I made using the circle tool. I then filled the stem and leaf with green and the flower petals with yellow. Next I grouped the entire flower together and placed it over the vase. Next I arranged the flower to be put behind the vase and added transparency to the vase.


For the flamingo I basically drew it all using the pen tool and adding fill where I saw fit. For the eye I used the circle tool and made the outer circle then made the inner circle and filled it with black. For the flower necklace and head band I selected the entire top part of the flower in the vase and copied it, pasted it, then shrunk it down and changed the fill of the petals and placed them on the flamingo. I then used the pen tool to make it look like a string holding the flowers together.


Wine Glass:

For the wine glass I started out by tracing the whole thing with the pen tool. Next I copied and pasted the outline of the wine glass, made a square to the size of the wine that was in the glass, dragged it over the tracing, and used the pathfinder option “intersect”. I then dragged that shape over the original wine glass tracing and added a gradient to it. Next I traced all of the noticeable shapes in the wine and used the eye dropper tool to get the correct colors and laid them all on top of each other in the wine accordingly. I also added a little transparency to the lighter colored shape in the wine so that you could see the darker colors through it. I then traced the colors in the stem of the glass, used the eye dropper to get the appropriate color, and placed it in the correct spot. I then traced every noticeable shape in the bottom part of the wine glass then used the eyedropper to get the correct colors and places them accordingly. For the bottom part of the glass I did the same thing I did for the wine in the wine glass and made squares then used the pathfinder option “intersect” to make it it’s own shape. Next I laid them back over the original outline of the wineglass and added gradients to them. I did the same thing for the top of the wine glass and added a gradient to that as well. I then outlined the sides of the top of the wineglass and changed the stroke to black. Next I made small marks on the very top of the glass to accent the curves of the top. I made the stroke of the lines very small and added some transparency to them so that it would be barely visible.



For the scissors I did basically the same thing as the wine glass. I first made an outline of the scissors using the pen tool. Next I outlined the holes in the scissors and selected all of the outlines and used the pathfinder option “exclude.” I then made lines using the pen tool of where the handle of the scissors ended and the blade began and filled in each section of the scissors with black. Next I used the pen tool to outline every little bit of light reflecting on the handle as I could and added gradients to them then put them in the their places accordingly. Next I traced each little shape on the blade of the scissors and used the eyedropper tool to create gradients if needed or to make solid colors if needed. I put all of the shapes into place and lined them all up inside the original outline of the scissors. I then used the Text tool to add the letters to the blade of the scissors and I also added a tiny bit of transparency to them.


For this one I just traced over the TCU horned frog with the pen tool then went back and added fill to where it was needed.